The Mental Health Navigator service provides 24/7 access to a team of qualified mental health clinicians. If you have concerns our team of counsellors and psychotherapists are on hand to provide you with a consultation to assess your mental and emotional wellbeing. Following this assessment, if necessary, our team can arrange for an additional consultation session to be held with a psychologist to help identify the best way forward.The simple process starts with a call that will assist you towards finding solutions, guiding you through each step by a member of our team of navigators. Mental Health Navigator service can be accessed via calling 0800 048 9011.
Eldercare support Service (ESS) For the Eldercare support Service members have access to a mental health helpline that allows patients to access a single consultation following an overnight hospital stay.Following an overnight stay in hospital patients may be psychologically affected, lacking in confidence, worried about mobility or activities of daily living, loss of dignity etc. This service is available for those accessing ESS and would allow access to an assessment combined with 50 minutes of therapy that can make recommendations as to the best next steps.